Parasite Movie review

A movie that talks about the class difference in the country of South Korea (and the world), the unfair world and how lies and manipulation will always lead to harming oneself and others.

Parasite Movie review

Movie: Parasite (기생충)

Director: Bong Joon-ho

Screenplay: Bong Joon-ho and Han Jin-won

Cast:- Song Kang-ho, Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Yeo-jeong, Choi Woo-shik, Park So-dam, Jang Hye-jin, Lee Jung-eun, Park Myung-hoon and others.

About the movie:-

Kim Gi-woo is an unemployed young man, who lives with his low income family of four, in a semi-basement flat, in a small neighbourhood. One day his friend Min-hyuk offers him his job as a tutor of a rich family. Since he is leaving the country for studying abroad, he wants Gi-woo to be his replacement. Gi-woo meets the Parks for the job and the lady of the house accepts him as the tutor to her daughter. The Parks are a rich family of four living in a luxurious house in a rich and expensive area of Seoul. They are the owners of a global IT firm. Gi-woo misuses the trust and naivety of the lady of the house and slowly uses his chance to bring his entire family to get to work for the Parks. What will happen when the Kim family begins to manipulate and deceive the Park family unbeknownst to the latter?

(*This review may contain spoilers. If you have already watched the movie, please continue reading. If you haven’t watched the movie yet, you can still continue reading or you can come back to the review later.)

What the movie talked about:-

Parasite shows the difference in the class of the families living in the same city of Seoul. We all live under the same sky, in the same city but why are we so different. We are all children of the same God, we are all born with the same flesh, bones, blood and skin. But how are we different? The difference is in the luxuries, the privileges, the abilities and the opportunities.

Having said that, we are all given many opportunities in this life, opportunities to gain, to earn, to make something of ourselves. It all comes down to how we make use of these opportunities.

When you receive opportunities in life, you also get to make decisions. Whether you want to make the best use of these opportunities and work hard to grow, to become better and to let those opportunities reward you or you would let greed take over your mind. Would you be willing to receive for your hard work, for you your abilities, for your contribution, for what you deserve, for what you worked for? Or would you be willing to deceive, misuse, lie, cheat and betray to get everything you wanted. Would you let greed take the front wheel?

The world is unfair. A lot of people are more privileged and have more advantages. But the world also has many opportunities for us all. If we just let the universe direct us to those opportunities, we could all do what we were brought into this world for, we could all fulfil our life's purpose without having to compete against each other, without having to push and overthrow each other. But life is unfair too, isn't it? I can be here preaching all day, every day about waiting for your opportunity to knock your door and let life show the path but not everyone is privileged enough to wait, to dream, to have goals and to let the opportunities manifest.

Life is unfair. We are all not given equal opportunities. But we are still given opportunities. No matter how tempting the wrong side seems, let's all strive to walk on the path righteousness. No matter of slow, how treacherous, how difficult, how thorny the path may seem, let us choose the path of truth, the path of good. Let us walk on the road less travelled by. The road where there is no greed, no dishonesty, no brutality, no inhumanity. That road will make all the difference.

The Actors and The Director:-

All the actors in the movie have performed with finesse. The movie went on to win Academy Awards and the cast had a huge role to play in the win. Their portrayals are realistic and convincing and everyone has polished acting skills. The movie has a stellar cast and everyone’s performance is memorable and spectacular.

Director Bong Joon-ho through his work Parasite spoke to us about the problems in society in the world. It is not just restricted to South Korea. Everywhere in the world, we have different classes of people living in the same city and their ways of life is poles apart. They have different opportunities, difference in earnings, difference in food, difference in living conditions, etc. Such a vast topic is covered in this well executed movie called Parasite. With just two families of different backgrounds, Bong Joon-ho is able to exhibit the story of the world. He has a very gifted mind that is able to produce masterpieces like Parasite.

Parasite or 기생충 is a 2019 Academy Award winning South Korean movie. Parasite is a winner of four Academy Awards including Best Picture, Golden Globe Award, BAFTA Award and also Screen Actors Guild Award. It has won many more accolades for the brilliance it is.

To understand the different people and their lives in South Korea, watch Parasite. It has a lot to say to us about life, people, our journeys and opportunities.