Miracle in Cell No.7 Movie Review
A story about a mentally challenged father being falsely accused of a crime. A story about the unconditional love between a father and his daughter and how love can help you win the most difficult struggles.

Movie: Miracle in Cell No.7 (7번방의 선물)
Director: Lee Hwan-kyung
Screenwriter: Lee Hwan-kyung, Yu Young-a, Kim Hwang-sung and Kim Young-seok
Cast:- Ryu Seung-ryong, Kal So-won, Park Shin-hye, Oh Dal-su, Jung Jin-young, Park Won-sung, Kim Jung-tae, Jung Man-sik and others.
About the movie :-
Miracle in cell number 7 is one of the first Korean movies I had watched. I came across the show while watching one of Exo's very first variety shows Exo Showtime.
Miracle in cell number 7 or 7번방의 선물 is based on a real life story about a mentally challenged man (father) who is wrongly imprisoned for murder of a young girl.
A mentally challenged man (a father), Yong-gu, is put in jail after he is falsely accused of rape and murder of a young girl. In the prison, he shares his room, Room no.7, with five other criminals. At first, his cellmates dislike his presence, his falsely accused crimes and keep away from him. But after Yong-gu saves one of the cellmates from danger, he develops friendships inside the prison with them and his bonding with them grows. These friends later help him secretly reunite with his young daughter, Ye-sung, inside the cell of the prison as a means to pay him back for his previous help.
The days pass and Yong-gu’s trial approaches. Yong-gu is threatened that his daughter will be killed if he doesn’t confess to the false accuses by the victim’s father. Finding no other choice, Yong-gu confesses to the crimes and is executed.
16 years later, Ye-sung along with Yong-gu’s cellmates and his friends from the prison fight to prove his innocence. Will Ye-sung be able to win the trial and prove her late father’s innocence? Will Yong-gu get the acquittal that he deserves and finally be given justice?
(*This review may contain spoilers. If you have already watched the movie, please continue reading. If you haven’t watched the movie yet, you can still continue reading or you can come back to the review later.)
What I loved about the movie:-
This movie is one of the most heartbreaking and heart wrenching ones that I have watched. I have shed tears for almost 75% of the movie. If you plan on watching the movie, I would like to give you a heads up on getting ready to bawl your eyes out.
The movie displays strong friendships, love (family love), suffering, justice, strength, relationships, sentiments and agony. It shows the pure unconditional love of a father for his daughter. We see that good people always find other good people. Life is sometimes difficult and unfair for the kind and the naïve, but when one is ready to fight for the truth, then one will definitely be granted with the justice that one deserves.
The Actors and the Director:
For the entire duration, you get immersed into the movie because of the impeccable acting and emotions. Ryu Seung-ryong, Kal So-won, Park Shin-hye and the rest of the cast take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. This movie is an emotional, heart wrenching, aching, tearful and tragic journey of a loving father and his daughter but the story will fill you with joy and love as well.
Lee Hwan-kyung (the Director) with this writing fills you with so many emotions. He has succeeded in showing to the people that real love can move mountains. Love is so strong that it can mend your broken hearts, fix your shattered souls and heal the most brutal wounds. With love, we stand united and strong. With love, we can do the impossible.