Minari Movie Review

A story about a South Korean Immigrant family who moves to America with the hopes of gaining a new home and life.

Minari Movie Review

Movie: Minari (미나리)

Director and Screenwriter: Lee Isaac Chung

Cast:- Steven Youn, Han Ye-ri, Youn Yuh-jung, Will Patton, Alan S. Kim, Noel Cho and others.

About the movie:-

Minari is a story of a South Korean immigrant family that moves to Arkansas in search for a better life and to accomplish their dreams. New challenges and problems arise while they are trying to adjust to this new place and life. During this time they find the true meaning of family, home, love and life and the importance of togetherness and perseverance.

(*This review may contain spoilers. If you have already watched the movie, please continue reading. If you haven’t watched the movie yet, you can still continue reading or you can come back to the review later.)

What the movie spoke about:-

We have all heard of that saying "Fish out of Water" right? Well that's how it feels when you are taken out of your comfort zone, only worse. The most difficult thing is when you leave your place of comfort, your homeland and end up in a place where you don't know anybody, everything around you is new and weird, you don't speak the language - well don't speak the language enough, and you have to start everything from scratch. I know that feeling very well. I had first hand experience. They tell you it's for your own good, it'll get better soon, you'll make friends, you'll like the new place. All that is true but it doesn't happen soon and it doesn't get better quicker. It takes time and a lot of effort.

There is an incredible amount of pressure to move and adjust in a new country or city. You have to make compromises, the family will not get along all the time, there'll be difference of opinions, all the while trying to fit in in the new place, with the new people. Everything is new. There are newer problems and the solutions are not always right in front of you. You are scared, angry, emotional, worried for yourself and for your family. You have to work immensely hard to find a suitable job and there is no job security. The children have an added pressure to adjust. They can't complain, they can't have demands and even requests sometimes don't get fulfilled because of the hard times. The children learn to not add to the pressures of the parents. They just learn to live with what is given. What will life offer you when times are tough like this?

The Characters, The Actors and the Director:-

Steven Youn as Jacob, Han Ye-ri as Monica, Youn Yuh-jung as Soon-ja and Will Patton are extraordinary in their respective roles. Their acting is beyond magical. Every emotion and every struggle can be felt from across the screen. Alan S. Kim as David and Noel Cho as Anne are refreshing. They have played their parts to perfection. I think it is because they can relate to their characters and their heritage that their acting came across that well.

Awards:- Youn Yuh-jung for Academy Award for the Best Supporting Actress (first Korean to win Academy Award for acting)
And Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Director and Screenplay :- Lee Isaac Chung. The director beautifully depicts the true emotions and struggles of the Asian community in a foreign land (especially an english speaking land) and their growth amidst all the challenges. His writing is deep and realistic and it has made every Asian relate to the characters, the emotions and the story as well.

Minari is a story of every Asian Immigrant who leaves their homeland (and fears), moves to another country and hopes to make that country their new forever home.